Can You Spread Lime With a Fertilizer Spreader?

In the garden tools and machines market, you will find many spreaders specifically designed for many purposes. One such popular spreader is a lime spreader, but if you don’t have one, you might be looking to distribute Lime with a fertilizer spreader.

If yes, you are in the right place because here we will answer a fascinating question: can you spread Lime with a fertilizer spreader or not? As experts strictly suggest using a lime spreader especially designed for distributing Lime, many people also spread Lime manually if they don’t have one.

However, people with a fertilizer spreader may consider using the tool to distribute Lime on their lawn or garden; let first know if this is possible. On paper, it might look likely, but only in technical terms.

Can You Spread Lime With a Fertilizer Spreader?

Yes, you can technically spread Lime with a fertilizer spreader, but it is not recommended. It is better to use a lime spreader especially designed for this purpose. Since Lime is essential to balance the acidic level of soil and make it more hospitable for long grass growth, you should distribute it evenly throughout the lawn using the right equipment to prevent uneven results.

Choosing the correct type of Lime is essential, as it is also available in powder and pallet forms. I follow the instructions provided with the fertilizer spreader and the lime product, tis also necessary o get the best results.

Most fertilizer spreaders come with user instructions and manuals to guide you with additional settings for distributing anything besides fertilizer. It is also crucial to water when spreading Lime.

If you don’t maintain it properly, your fertilizer spreader may get damaged very soon due to the consistent use of heavy elements like salt or Lime. We have also shared a particular post on the question: can you spread salt with a fertilizer spreader?

It is essential first to check the pH level of your soil and understand if there is any need to add it after determining that with a test, adjust the setting of your fertilizer’s status. First, find the disadvantages and advantages of spreading Lime with a fertilizer spreader.

5 Advantages Of Spreading Lime With a Fertilizer Spreader

  1. With the help of a fertilizer spreader, you can cover a large area and distribute the Lime evenly, ensuring all spots receive the same amount. It will not only save you a lot of time but also your effort.
  2. Spreader lime with a fertilizer spreader will be much faster than doing it by hand. Therefore it will get the result quicker and faster while saving you a lot of energy and time. 
  3. As most fertilizer spreaders come with adjustable settings that allow you to control the amount of fertilizer spread, you will be able to adjust the correct amount of Lime you need to apply to your garden soil.
  4. Since Lime is a fast-acting fertilizer, using a fertilizer spreader will help you do it quickly and evenly in all garden areas.
  5. Using a fertilizer spreader might be very cost-effective if you don’t like to involve yourself in maintaining your lawn or garden. It will allow you to save a lot of money by avoiding paying someone to do it for you. 

5 Disadvantages Of Using Lime With a Fertilizer Spreader

  1. One of the most significant disadvantages of using a fertilizer spreader for lim on your lawn or garden soil is the risk of over-application. You may also end up distributing excessive amounts of Lime in the ground, causing damage to your garden as well.
  2. Another drawback of using such a heavy fertilizer like Lime is the damage caused to the spreader if not correctly maintained. Maintenance of your fertilizer spreader will be time-consuming, with added expense if it is not designed to distribute heavy fertilizer.
  3. Spreading Lime with a fertilizer spreader in a small area may not be effective. Using a fertilizer spreader to distribute Lime in confined spaces is nearly impossible.
  4. If you don’t have any experience using a fertilizer spreader for Lime, you may end up with an inaccurate application or an improperly calibrated spreader. In either case, you end up with unwanted results, or the Lime may not be applied as you expected.
  5. With a fertilizer spreader, you may be unable to avoid hard surfaces like driveways or sidewalks of your lawn or garden. Since Lime is never recommended to be applied on a hard surface, it can cause staining and damage if used. Fertiliser spreaders may not be an effective method to distribute Lime finely while avoiding these areas.

What Kind Of Spreader Do You Use For Lime?

As per experts and my research, a broadcast spreader/lime Spreader is considered a safe option for distributing Lime in any soil of small to last size garden or lawn. Depending upon the pellet or powder form of Lime, you can alternatively use a drop spreader. However, a broadcast spreader is better at preventing Lime from getting blown away from the ground if it is powder.

How To Spread Lime With a Fertilizer Spreader

Learning how to spread Lime with a fertilizer spreader is essential if you don’t have any other option. Spreading a lime with a fertilizer spreader can still be effective, but check the soil pH level & after that, maintain the spreader after use. Here is a step-by-step method to spread Lime with a fertilizer spreader.

  1. Get a test kit and test your garden soil pH level to determine how much Lime you should add. You should also check how acidic or alkaline the soil is. Getting the sample to a professional lab for further testing is better if you desire professional results.
  2. Based on the test result, you will need to determine how much Lime you should add to your garden soil. A general rule of thumb is to use 35 to 45 pounds of Lime per 1000 square feet. 
  3. After determining how much Lime is needed, you must get the correct type. I am not talking about the form. Lime is available in pellet or powder and cais categorized as dolomitic or calcitic. Dolomitic limes are generally better for lawn care because of their high magnesium and calcium content.
  4. After purchasing the correct type of Lime, you will need a spreader. In this case, I highly recommend getting a broadcast or drops spreader. If not, you can also use a fertilizer spreader, as we are discussing.
  5. Now you can begin the application process of Lime in your garden soil. First, adjust the appropriate setting on your fertilizer based on the lime type and the rate of application recommended. Also, check the soil test result to remind yourself of the right amount of Lime you need to add to your garden soil.
  6. Now start walking your yard in a straight path back & forth. Make sure to cover all the areas. After that, ensure to water the garden as Lime needs to be activated by moisture. 
  7. After watering the lawn, you need to wait for the results. The lime mat takes some time to work correctly. Therefore you may not even see results for several months. 

It is important to retest the soil pH level once every month to see how it is affected by adding Lime. Also, follow the instructions on the lime package and calibrate the fertilizer spreader properly before running it in your yard.

Also, ensure to avoid spreading the Lime on any hard surfaces or areas of Frost. Lastly, clean the spreader properly and pay attention to its maintenance after every use since Lime is very heavy for this tool.


Can You Use A Broadcast Spreader To Spread Lime?

Yes, you can always use a broadcast spreader to spread Lime. A broadcast spreader is one of the most recommended spreaders to distribute Lime widely. Be sure to calibrate the spreader setting properly to distribute Lime evenly in the soil. You might also have to do multiple passes to cover the entire area if the field is vast.

Can You Spread Lime With A 3-Point Spreader?

Yes, a 3-point spreader can be used to distribute Lime technically. Since it can also be attached to a tractor, you can use it to cover over 3 acres. It can also be adjusted according to different application rates and work in vast areas.

Can I Spread Lime With My Hands?

You can always spread Lime with your hand if your garden or lawn is tiny. If it is anywhere more than 100 acres, it will be tough to distribute the Lime evenly and accurately. Also, handling the Lime and spreading it manually will be time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is better to get a small spreader like a drop spreader to get more accurate coverage & even results.


Even though Lime Is compatible with fertilizer spreaders, it is not recommended. Lime is a heavy fertilizer that can cause damage to the fertilizer spreader if not maintained and cleaned properly after every use.

Other than this, it is also essential to only use Lime as a soil amendment if you need to raise the pH level of your garden’s acidic soil. Since Lime will encourage not only plants but also grass growth, make sure to use it in the right amount.

In the market, Lime is found in many forms, like pulverized, powdered, or pelletized. Depending on your need, you should use a specific type of spreader. In this case, I highly recommend getting a broadcast spreader if possible.

The experts recommend a broadcast spreader to distribute heavy material fertilizer like Lime or salt. Broadcast spreaders can distribute multiple types of fertilizers in a vast area. Alternatively, you can also go with the Drop spreader or a 3-point spreader.

After knowing what you need to distribute lines evenly in your lawn or garden soil, you should be able to do it now. After reading this article, consider sharing it if you find this post helpful. Your share will have many people learn about the correct type of spread to distribute Lime on any garden or lawn soil.

Ensure you follow the instructions and manufacturer recommendation for your fertilizer spreader. Do check our other helpful guide on gardening care. See you in the next post, till then, take care and goodbye.

Broadcast spreaders, drop spreaders, and 3-point spreaders can all be used to spread Lime, with broadcast spreaders being the most commonly used. While it’s possible to apply Lime by hand, this method is less efficient and not recommended for large areas.

It’s important to note that the chemical properties of Lime may affect fertilizer spreaders. Lime is a heavy material that can cause wear and tear on spreaders if they are not properly maintained. It’s also essential to ensure that the Lime you are using is appropriate for your spreader, as some lime may clog or damage it.

In summary, Lime is compatible with fertilizer spreaders, but it’s essential to choose the right type of Lime and maintain the spreader properly to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. A soil test is always recommended before applying Lime to know how much is required for your lawn. And always read the instructions and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the fertilizer spreader you are using.

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