Does Neem Oil Work On Spider Mites

Neem-based insecticides can be a valuable repellent for controlling the red spider mite in leafy plants or succulents where there are few pest management alternatives and frequent reports of residual pesticide levels.

We tested the effectiveness of three widely available remedies based on neem to reduce red spider mite populations on parsley plants. By estimating the instantaneous rate of red spider mite population increase, we could calculate the concentration-response facility to assess the products’ impacts at the population level and their deadly effects on red spider mites.

This article will show you how to successfully apply neem oil on red spider mites. You will understand how effective neem oil is against red spider mites.

About Red Spider Mite

It is not a helpful species. Names include Tetranychus urticae, Tetranychus cinnabarinus, Oligonychus ilicis, Panonychus ulmi, etc. They belong to the Tetranychidae family and have a lifespan of 4 to 7 weeks when not hibernating. If there are too many colonies, the risk to the plant is fatal as viral illnesses are transmitted. As it is wind-carried on web strands, it is highly contagious. 

Does Neem Oil Kill Red Spider Mites

It’s a big question. To assess product performance over time and the development of phytotoxicity symptoms, a bioassay with potted parsley plants was carried out in a greenhouse. The different fatal effects between products suggest that product efficacy may depend on formulation.

The populations of red spider mites were affected by all items in a sublethal way, which decreased the mite population. Nevertheless, product effectiveness fell below 80%, and minor signs of phytotoxicity were seen, mainly when goods were used at high doses.

Our study demonstrated the significance of considering other aspects of a botanical pesticide’s impacts in addition to its fatal effects. It may be applied as a straightforward framework when choosing which plants to use a botanical pesticide.

As they are a famous low-risk and effective form of pest management, neem oil pesticides are regarded as an alternative to synthetic pesticides.

Red spider mites are just one of the many nuisance arthropods that products derived from the neem tree, Azadirachta indica Juss (Meliaceae), were being used to combat.

Azadirachtin, the primary active component of neem, has several detrimental effects on arthropods, including repulsiveness, feeding inhibition, decreased oviposition, lower fertility and fecundity, behavioral abnormalities, and increased mortality.

Neem-derived products have several benefits, including low toxicity to humans and low permanence due to photodegradation.

It’s critical to evaluate both the products’ short- and long-term effects on population levels when assessing the toxicity of neem-based products to arthropods like T. urticae. Neem-based products have behavioral and physiological impacts on arthropods.

Therefore it is hypothesized that prolonged exposure to sublethal quantities in humans will have harmful toxicological consequences that are not seen in tests for short-term lethal toxicity.

This allows for selecting neem for red spider mites with lower dosages that are less hazardous to beneficial insects like predators and pollinators when employed against pests.

Sustainable red spider mite organic control methods may be appropriate with botanical insecticides like neem seed oil. However, these red spider mite pesticides may contain additional substances in addition to the active ingredient that may be phytotoxic to some crop plants, including calathea or any other plants with fuzzy leaves that are a favorite food of red spider mites.

These crop plants include lemon, lettuce, bean, alfalfa, and carrot. As a result, the viability of using natural compounds in place of synthetic pesticides depends on how well they get along with agricultural plants.

Some scientists assessed whether neem-based treatments are efficacious against the mite and their phytotoxicity to determine the acceptability of applying neem-based insecticides upon parsley plants afflicted by T. urticae.

This plant was chosen as the study’s model crop since it is a short-cycle minor crop, a leafy vegetable grown for fresh and dried consumption, and a source of essential oils.

First, the cytotoxicity of neem seed oils was evaluated in the lab by calculating the lethal concentrations or LC and the rate of immediate increase (RI) in the T. urticae population (when exposed to three products at various concentrations).

The latter can be used to calculate the mid-term effects of products on population levels because it is a direct indicator of population increase over a specific period. The effectiveness of LC95 and the concentration preventing T. urticae population expansion, as indicated by ri = 0 in reducing the mite population on parsley plants, was assessed. Finally, they looked at whether various product concentrations negatively affected parsley plants. 

The initial population for T. urticae was gathered locally in strawberries for mite rearing and neem-based goods. This experiment was guided in the fields near Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

The hosts employed were common bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). T. urticae-infested potted bean plants were housed in wooden frame cages (0.73 x 0.69 x 0.68 m) covered in organza to keep the rearing separate and prevent contamination from other arthropods. The cages were kept in a greenhouse.

Neemseto’s LC50, as in concentration-mortality bioassay, was considerably lower than Organic Neem’s. Concerning the mortality consequences of neem-based products, Neemseto had a lower LC95 than Azamax and Organic Neem.

With increasing concentrations of all three items, the rate at which the red spider mite population grew instantly started to slow down. For stable people, this rate was zero at dosages of 6.5 mg/L for Azamax, 4.56 mg/L for Neemseto, and 31.6 mg/L for Organic Neem, respectively. Similar improvements were made to Tetranychus urticae mortality throughout the greenhouse plants.

T. urticae populations upon parsley plants were successfully managed by neem-based treatments when used at doses that corresponded to their respective LC95.

All compounds did, however, decrease T. urticae densities in plants at lower concentrations, but control levels were inadequate. This shows that the neem-based treatments they examined cannot be used as the primary control method for T. urticae throughout parsley plants at low doses. 

However, benefits are obtained in all the above cases if used in higher concentration. So, neem oil works well against red spider mites if appropriately applied.

The effectiveness of Neemazal against the red spider mite, Oligonychus coffee, which infests tea in Manipur, India, was investigated in another experiment. Neemazal treatments included 3%, 5%, 1 kg sulfur per hectare, and untreated control.

RSM’s density was estimated to range from 86 to 106 per tea leaf before treatment. On the other hand, the post-treatment level of its population showed a progressive fall from the seventh to the 28th day following treatment.

In sulfur and Neemazal sprayed plots, the effectiveness of Neemazal against mites was 5.7, 10.3, and 12.0 mites per leaf, respectively. The RSM abundance was noticeably low in all chemically treated plots compared to the control. At 5%, Neemazal outperformed sulfur plus 3% Neemazal. 

This efficacy of Neemazal in the field against the red spider mite of tea again proves that if used correctly, neem oil is effective against red spider mites.

Best Neem Oil For Red Spider Mites

Go for 5% concentrated or Pure Homemade organic neem oil.

Always try to buy- 

  • Organic neem oil 1500ppm
  • Cold-pressed Organic 100% pure Neem oil
  • Clarified hydrophobic neem oil (0.5%-5%). 
  • Neem oil azadirachtin EC (0.5%-5%) 
  • Neem leaf extract 400 ml/plot 

How To Use Neem Oil For Red Spider Mites

Using neem oil insecticide about once a week will help repel red spider mites. Apply as you would other oil-based sprays, ensuring the leaves are completely coated. For each gallon of water, combine five tablespoons of cold-pressed 100% neem oil and two tablespoons of Safer’s insecticidal soap comprising potassium salts of fatty acids to wane the protective outer shell of red spider mites. 

Besides cold-pressed neem oil, commercial neem oil and AZT extract are all options. Apply 5% concentrated neem oil in spring or pre-summer to terminate egg-hatching in the warmth. As a mid-week surprise for those spider mites’ infestation attacks, bring stronger NSKE or Neem seed kernel extracts prepared with pentane. 

However, apply a small amount of your selected dose on affected or suspected plants and observe the reaction for the next 24 hours. If symptoms do not worsen, use in more significant amounts or reduce the quantity or amount.

When the lights go out in the morning, use a neem oil solution to spray all the plants, including the vegetables. If you find red spider mites in noticeable large groups, don’t be afraid to use a mildly soapy sponge to wipe them off before gently spraying.

The Diatomaceous Earth with Azadirachtin is fantastic for a faster result, but it is rather messy, so avoid inhaling it. Drench everything just before the lights go out. If diatomaceous earth is present, the leaves will not receive enough light.

Remember- moisture and biocontrol are used as treatments. Don’t let it spread further; insulate any ill-affected plant or organ.

Neem Oil For Red Spider Mites: Pros & Cons

Anything has two sides, so it goes for Neem oil, also. 

Pros Of Neem Oil:

  • Most beneficial insects, such as butterflies and ladybugs, are considered safe because neem oil insecticide does not target bugs that do not gnaw on leaves.
  • According to the EPA, the substance is generally regarded as harmless. Thus any traces left on food are okay.
  • No chemical residue, no phytotoxicity.
  • The ultimate organic and eco-friendly choice.

Cons Of Neem Oil:

  • Neem oil “works fine,” as bugs dislike its flavor. Sadly, red spider mites are a problem whenever a live egg or mite is present. They might go for long stretches without food, allowing your plants a chance to grow unprocessed leaves. Although neem oil may even temporarily drive them away, since it doesn’t kill them, they will likely continue to be a problem.
  • When misused and in massive amounts, neem oil can endanger small hives but has no adverse effect on medium-sized to large-sized packs.
  • Has a bad smell to somebodies and pets.
  • When the temperature rises above 80°-90°F, avoid using neem oil combination. If the temperature is too high, the neem oil-coated foliage will fry in the sun and turn brown.


can neem oil kill red spider mites?

Not totally. Adult red spider mites do not die as they escape, but eggs and larvae can be successfully destroyed early in the infestation period before the infection spreads. Also, the correct dose of Neem spray can repel red spider mites by destroying the appetite of mature ones if sprayed thoroughly and frequently.

What if neem oil not killing spider mites?

Since red spider mites are arthropods and have exterior skeletons, you need to use neem oil solution for red spider mites more frequently. Also, spray every nook and corner of the plant- from the bottom to the top of the leaves. Keep patience; nothing is impossible. The practice of beauty requires a little trouble. 


Consumers may be at risk for long-term health problems if pesticide residues are in the final finished product. Because leafy vegetables are eaten raw without peeling or boiling, the issue is worse. Both the existence of non-authorized active ingredient use and pesticide residues over the maximum residue limits for a particular crop or garden plant are frequent.

The latter is much more typical for small-scale crops and garden plants because they frequently have no effective pest management options.

These issues of red spider mite control highlight the need for synthetic pesticide alternatives like Neem oil because these chemical compounds have the potential to endanger ecosystems, the right to food, and global human welfare. The triumph of neem oil on red spider mite spray begins and wins here substantially and naturally.

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